Is it Time for the Protests to Morph into Something Else?

I am mainly writing this article to Christians who have been a part of the George Floyd protests or have been moved to action by them. Please read the whole article before you comment. Thank you for your courtesy! 

The peaceful protesters have made a strong statement across this nation. Perhaps IT'S TIME to turn the protesting into something else that makes a difference, VOLUNTEERISM.  

Maybe, IT'S TIME to take it to another level and begin VOLUNTEERING in places of need. That will make a big difference in the process of healing any racial division in our country.  

People of the human race, all skin colors, praying, serving, and worshipping together, helping one another, and those in need all in the love of Jesus! That's a beautiful thing!  
Jesus said, "Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12. When Jesus walked into a community, he changed things. He loved people; He healed people, fed people, delivered people. Jesus spoke the truth to people. He gave them freedom! 

I've found over-the-years there is nothing that brings people closer together than working side-by-side and helping people in need. It is a beautiful experience for the VOLUNTEERS and those receiving God's love and assistance through our service. By God's grace, I've been a part of many opportunities with many wonderful people in the USA and other countries around the world. It is amazing!  

The problem is many people do it for a day or a week once a year, and that's it. VOLUNTEERING outside of our homes, churches, and communities regularly keeps us connected to what is essential to the Lord and us and meet a significant need in others.  

With that in mind, I want to encourage peaceful protesters who want to keep making a difference. IT'S TIME to leave the streets, organize, split into small groups, and head to the inner city to HELP families in need and more.  

The peaceful part of the protests will soon be over, and many will want to stay involved and make a difference in people's lives. So what's next? How do you stay connected to something so dear to you? VOLUNTEER in the name of Jesus and share the gospel as you GO!  

"Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12 

Do you want to live out the anthem of hope shouted on the streets? If you answered, yes! It will require an investment of time, but it will be well worth it. Go and serve saying, "Know Jesus, Know Peace." You can make a difference!  

I encourage you to get your friends together and become VOLUNTEERS in places of need. 

To get started, pray together and perhaps ask the pastor of your church if they know a pastor in the inner city that would welcome VOLUNTEERS.  
Perhaps you met someone at the march that is part of a church you can connect with to help. 

Pastors, you can form partnerships with Bible-believing churches in the inner cities! Then GO and serve! Proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ together as you serve and help one another! Do joint worship services together. I know some already do that, and I praise God for you!  

Here is a list of other suggestions: 

  • Contact the pastor of a Bible-believing inner-city church and ask how you can help. You can offer to help encourage children and youth to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Help them with their homework. Be a mentor to those younger than you. You can also offer to clean or help paint the church if needed. Go to a church service there!


  • VOLUNTEER, through that church, and the pastor will know if any widows or widowers need help in the neighborhood. You and your friends can help fix things around their homes or mow the lawn etc. You could even help with their groceries and then sit and listen to their stories. Hear their life stories, you will learn so much! 


  • VOLUNTEER, to help any single-parent families in the church who are struggling and need help. Be mentors for their kids and help them around their houses or apartments etc. 


  • VOLUNTEER to help repair small, locally owned businesses that were hurt during the COVID-19 crisis or damaged by the rioters during the protests. 


These are just a handful of ideas, and I am sure there are many more! These ideas are ways you can make a long term difference by VOLUNTEERING. Every Christian youth should do it. God will use it to make His people more Christlike. It sure helped me to grow in so many ways and still does! I have learned so much from people all over the world and in the USA! 

Lastly, resist the temptation to think you've done your part because you marched for a few days. That was the easy part! Many were out of work anyways because of COVID-19 shutdowns.  

The hard work is ahead, and if you really believe what you're marching for, or writing about, show it by what you do next! VOLUNTEER!  

I hope these ideas help as we walk together into the future and be who God wants us to be, loving and serving God and one another.  

Father God, we pray as Jesus prayed, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10

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