From the recording Fear Is Not an Option EP

Jesus' words inspire this song in Luke 9:62, "But Jesus said to him, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

I want to encourage all followers of Jesus, myself included, to take God's call on our lives as seriously as that call truly is.

Many have made the mistake (myself included) of looking back too much at past failures confessed to God, which God has already forgiven!

Others have swerved in the wrong direction and, because of that, have fallen behind in their relationship and service to the Lord. If that's the case, let's run back to Him, confess and receive forgiveness, and put our hands to the plow of God's loving service.


Verse 1
Jesus said look forward don’t look back.
Armed with His weapons for the devil's attack.
Defeats behind, victories ahead.
Not wasting time on the past, live for now instead!

If we look back we aren’t fit to serve.
Hands to the plow, go straight, don't swerve.
The weight of failure lies dead in the dust.
Forgiven and free, Jesus, is true and just.

Verse 2
Some lost their way, On their journey home.
Left the path of righteousness to live on their own.
Follow Jesus, move on ahead.
He’ll raise your heart, to victory instead.

Times not to be wasted! Each day God has a plan!
We live for Truth, die to self, Obey his love command!

Ending Chorus
At the end, Jesus will greet us - With words we want to hear
Well done, faithful servant - Enter in, my Kingdom here