"It is I; Don't Be Afraid."

But He said to them “It is I; don’t be afraid”  John 6:20

This is what Jesus said to His disciples who were caught in a terrible storm while going across the lake to Capernaum right after the feeding of the 5,000.  In John 6:19 it says “they had rowed for three or three and a half miles”.   They were caught in the middle of a giant lake, in the middle of a giant and violent storm.  The day before they had experienced the spiritual high of watching Jesus provide food for the multitudes from a measly supply of two small fish and five barley loaves.  Now they are caught in the middle of this lake! It is interesting how John makes a point to let us know that as “they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on water … they were terrified.”  Terrified is a pretty strong word, way beyond everyday fear!  Jesus knew the depth of their fear! He saw it on their faces, He heard it in their voices and had come to rescue them.

He came to them during this storm because He cared for them and He simply said to them “It is I; don’t be afraid.”  No big lecture just; “It is I; don’t be afraid.”  He knows what we need to hear and when we need to hear it.  There are times when we need more but sometimes the simple loving words of Jesus are more than enough.

Maybe that is why you are reading this right now because you need to hear His simple words of comfort and encouragement.  After they heard His words, it says in John 6:21“Then they were willing to take Him into the boat and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.” 

Jesus loves you, He knows the storms of life you are going through!  He knows you are “three miles” out on the stormy lake of life. He knows you are being overwhelmed by financial pressures, or being inundated by fear, or overcome with sorrow from the loss of a loved one.  Maybe your life as you have known it has just been drastically altered by some unexpected event. Just let Him into your situation, just cry out to Jesus.  Then listen to His words, read His words, they are in His Word to encourage you, to build you up and to bring you immediately to His shores of peace and hope.

He loves you more than you will ever know; this side of heaven.  He came to this world to save us and to destroy the works of the devil.  We just have to learn to quit looking at the storms raging around us and to start looking at Jesus and to let Him into the “boat”.  He may or may not calm the sea but if He doesn’t He will certainly bring us immediately “to the shore” and He will be there with us the rest of the way!

In His love,  Brian

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