What About Judgment and Judging?

For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?" 1 Peter 4:17 

Followers of Jesus Christ, the word judgment has been improperly used for many years. I hear people say, "don't judge me" or "you should not judge anyone." The reality is that judgment is real and is something God implements when necessary to bring people to Him, back to Him, or punish those who stand against Him. God warns of His impending judgment through His Word. He also warns through His people, the ambassadors of Jesus Christ.  

Jesus tells us the proper way to judge in John 7:24, "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." The only way to judge with righteous judgment is to use God's Word. We apply it first to our own lives and then to those around us. In this process, we must be careful not to be fooled by those who appeal to the natural senses instead of God's truth and spiritual wisdom regarding what's right and wrong. Through their deception, they tell you not to judge what's right and wrong, while in the same breath, they judge without mercy. To them, compassion should only go to the worldly sinner or Christian sinner who despises or has little respect for God's laws and commands. That is backward! God's mercy goes to those who humbly call on Jesus Christ with a heart of repentance, not those who mock His commands! If you are walking in sin now, God will forgive and deliver you if you come to Him on His terms, not your own. 

The misunderstanding with God's judgment comes from the word itself. There are different Greek words used in the New Testament for judging and judgment. One refers to making a final judgment on someone, and the other refers to judging what is right or wrong but not the person. For instance, looking at someone and saying, "they are ___________ and will always be ____________," is incorrect. That is not our judgment to make; that is making a final judgment on that person. We have no idea whether that person will repent and come to Jesus Christ or not. As Christians, our call is to offer God's solution to that person and pray they repent and turn to God for help, grace, and mercy found in Jesus Christ. If they do, we provide support in the process. If not, we continue to warn them as God provides the opportunity. 

Another word regarding judgment refers to judging what is right or wrong according to God's Word; this can be with an unbeliever or someone who confesses to being Christian. With a Christian brother or sister who is or has strayed from God and His Word, we are to "judge righteous judgment," not by personal opinion or feeling. We are to use God's Word in a humble, caring, and sometimes in a very declarative way to lead them back into the light of the Lord.  

Unfortunately, many have been affirmed in sin because other Christians have consoled them in their sin to make them feel better about themselves at the moment. That will not help anyone in the long run; it just puts off dealing with it at a later time. Let me say here, I am glad in my time of need; I was rebuked and corrected in a loving yet stern way to help me see the error of my way and get right with God. I can tell you first hand, that is what a straying backsliding Christian needs! That is the way of love! 

Sometimes God sends judgment on individuals, and other times He sends it on nations who refuse to repent and receive His mercy. The only thing that can hold back God's judgment or stop it is His mercy and grace, which comes to us through our honest humility and repentance before God.  

Christians, in 1 Peter 4:17, Peter reminds us very definitively that judgment will come first to the church and then to the world. Why will it begin with the church? Because God expects more of us since we have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Plus, others have taught us what it means and how to apply it to our lives. That is a divine advantage in our lives, and God knows it.  

The Apostle Paul tells us what to do when someone has fallen into sin, "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression (sin), you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." Galatians 6:1.   

In ending, let me say, God wants to bring people into a beautiful and loving relationship with Him. For that to happen, we must yield to God and His ways and make Jesus Christ our Savior, Lord, Master, and King. His plan is great, so let's follow Him! He truly does love us! 

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." Matthew 16:24 

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 

PS - Obviously, this is not complete teaching on judgment. In this short devotion, we just scratched the surface on this most important biblical theme. Perhaps I will write more later.

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