Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:22

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:22 

God wants us to learn to rejoice! He not only expects us to rejoice but to rejoice in hope. That implies our hearts should constantly be incredibly thankful and joyful because of the everlasting hope God has filled our hearts with. 

If we could learn to swap all complaining for rejoicing, the people around us would be affected for good. That doesn’t mean we ignore the realities and disappointments of life. It means we practice seeing them differently because we’ll see them through the lens of God’s providence, infinite love, tremendous power, and amazing grace. 

If our hearts are overflowing with God’s joy and hope, we will also be patient in the tribulation and trials of life. Why? Because we know our God will do valiant things on our behalf. Our rejoicing heart will assist us in seeing how God always steps in at just the right time, and with a heart of rejoicing, we wait patiently on the Lord, trusting in His divine providence. 

To help in this process, we pray without ceasing! Yes, we are constant in prayer, conversing with our Heavenly Father throughout the day. That helps us discern everything from a heavenly point of view. It helps release everlasting joy in our hearts as we joyfully proclaim God is in control. Throughout this joy-filled process, we bring every worry, every care, and every problem to the throne of God‘s grace. Then, at the throne of grace with a prayerful heart, we cast our cares before the Lord and the concerns for others we are ministering to. 

I encourage you to take the next 24 hours and put this into practice. In doing so, we will begin a discipline that causes us to see everything from a heavenly point of view rather than through the heavy eyes and heart of disappointment and wrong expectations. 

So rejoice in the majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of our Heavenly Father, and the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives! Leap for joy, recalling the painful sacrifices Jesus made to bestow on us a new covenant packed with great and precious promises to those who devote their lives to Him! Amen!

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