You probably saw that headline above and thought, "What's going on with Brian! He's been encouraging us to press on in faith and victory, and now he's advising us to surrender!" Let me explain what I mean by surrender. I "ll use some words from the Apostle James to launch into this theme. 

"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." (James 4:7-8 NKJV) 

This word submit comes from the Greek word hypotassō. It means to be under obedience, to be obedient, to be in subjection, to be under authority, to submit. It other words, surrender to God's authority! Please keep that in mind as we go forward. 

I've noticed that many during this pandemic are dwelling on how life won't be the same again. Conversations include how different things are now and wondering if they will ever return to "normal" in the future. A question resonates throughout the land, "What will the new "normal" be?" I think we could safely say, at least for the near future, what was once considered "normal" will be no more. Most have at least temporarily surrendered to that. Do you agree? 

Spiritual speaking, I'm hoping things most definitely don't return to what we considered "normal" before. Let me clarify what I mean! Before this pandemic, most people were at rest economically. The economy was going full steam ahead like a freight train, and it seemed unstoppable! The store shelves were full, and except for the political shenanigans going on, our nation was at rest, and life was good for most in a natural sense! But how were things going spiritually?  

What was "normal" for most Christians during that time? Let me give you some personal perceptions. First, Christians didn't pray all that much. Many prayer closets were eerily empty, and prayer meetings at churches were sparsely attended. They could have continued those during the quarantine because so few attended anyways! You could have put these prayer warriors six feet apart and still have ample room in the building.  

Also, many Bible-believing Christians didn't read the Bible much before. And this lessened their ability to walk by faith and not by sight. By the way, how can you be a Bible-believing Christian if you don't read the Bible? I've heard that people have been buying Bibles at a historic rate. That's a good sign of change! Hopefully, they read them!  

Many didn't listen to preaching much except on Sundays, maybe! Few had an interest in world missions and sharing the gospel. Plus, many churches had cut their church service times down by 30 to 45 minutes over the last ten or so years. They did this to cater to those who couldn't sit that long, even with their comfy cushions. I ask you, is that a sign of spiritual maturity or immaturity? I hope you answered that question correctly by God's standard! Maybe, we need to get off our butts and get on our knees to change that! Do you agree? 

Think about it! People could surrender their time to sit joyfully through a three-hour football game, sports event, play, or two-hour movie but not a two-hour worship service. That's spiritually wimpy, in my humble opinion. How about you? That's not the way of the Way Maker, Jesus Christ! My friends that's not supposed to be the "normal" Christian life for a God-fearing, New Testament church. Am I right? If you agree, then let's begin to surrender!  

Before this pandemic, "normal" to many Christians was average, routine, or even lukewarm. Hopefully, that will be no more!  

Christian brothers and sisters, we've entered a time where our dependency on God is more important than ever before. I praise God, that many have surrendered to that notion and have begun looking to God's Word for answers. Many have embraced Psalm 91 as a great starting place, but don't let it stop there. Read on through the multitude of God's commands and promises found in His Word, the Bible.  

Christians, Jesus said of us, "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." (John 17:16 NKJV). That's a fantastic statement Jesus made about His present and future followers! So let's not surrender to the world and its wearisome ways, but rather to God and His magnificent ways! 

When we surrender our old way of life to God, He breathes new life into our spiritually dry bones. He takes us from "normal" to supernatural. He gives us heavenly revelations that help us adapt to the "new." The new is actually getting back to the "old," which is the original New Testament pattern for His people and His church. The Holy Spirit helps us surrender our wills to His will and releases in us the vision and power to live it out regardless of our circumstances.  

I encourage every believer, including me, to surrender to God amid this pandemic.  

  • Surrender to the possibility that God can do greater things in you and for you and your family than ever before.  
  • Surrender, to the possibility that God can grow more fruit in and through you now than he did before. This is especially important for pastors and leaders. 
  • Surrender your fears to the Lord and watch Him replace them with faith and courage. That's the work of the Holy Spirit! 
  • Surrender your anxieties to the peace of God and the hope found in His promises.  
  • Surrender now and watch what God will do in us and through us.  

Remember, surrender is not praying a half-hearted, lukewarm prayer during television commercials, novel reading, or scanning social media feeds. Come on, take an hour, two, or more in God's presence! Don't try to live off quick spiritual charges of your faith, as we do with cell phones to get us through the next few hours.  

I'm talking about true surrender and showing God that we're really serious about this. Displaying to God that we don't want "normal" anymore. Instead, we want total surrender! 

As we do this, let's be reminded that throughout history, God has done some of His most significant work during the worst of times. God's great things happen when the people of God pray, surrender to His will, and call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Throughout time God has made beautiful things from nothing. He displayed that from the very start when He created Adam from the dust of the earth, and when Jesus healed the blind man with a little bit of dirt mixed with spit. Don't forget when He fed the 5000 with a few fish and loaves of bread. 

I encourage you to:  

  • Go now and convene a quiet time with the Lord. Turn off the distractions and go!  
  • Go, surrender your disappointments, fears, burdens, and your hopes and dreams too!  
  • Go, listen to the voice of your King Jesus, declare the mysteries of heaven to you through the Holy Spirit.  
  • Go, listen as He reveals the truths in His Word, the Bible.  
  • Go now, surrender faithless thoughts and receive God's faith-filled inspiration as He reveals a fuller understanding of His greatness to you.  

After a quiet time with the Lord, I want to ask a question. What will your new "normal" be?  

  • I believe you would tell me, "God has not called me to be "normal" but to be supernatural."  
  • I think you would say to me, "God has called me to live above the rising tides of doubt and confusion."  
  • I believe you would say, the Lord told me to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV) 

Let's pray now and verbalize to God our desire for His supernatural to be the "normal" in our lives.  

It's going to take some dedication and time to do this because to walk in the fullness of God's true grace, it takes a supernatural spiritual grit! Praise God, He will supply that through His amazing love and grace. 

Let's pray: 
Father God, I come to you in the mighty name of Jesus. I come waving the white flag of surrender, and I bow my knees to you, O God, my Lord.  

I come in humility and homage to your greatness. You are a great God, and I am yours. You bought me with the blood of Jesus, and I am not my own. I belong to you!  

I come to surrender to you, plus your plans and purposes for my life. I have counted the cost and long to be your disciple. I want to be your reflection to the world around me. Forgive me for disregarding you in my decision making. Forgive me for ignoring you with my time.  

As I go forward, I commit myself to know you and making you known to those around me and around the world. Let your purpose be my purpose.  

I love you, Lord, and thank you for hearing me, forgiving me, restoring me, and reviving me. I am so grateful for your grace and mercy. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen! 

Now children of God, let's go forward in total victory in the power of the Holy Spirit! 

God bless you, Brian  

"For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." (1 Corinthians 6:20 NKJV)

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